Convert High Income Clients

Choose your Life

Commit to Your Business

Business Coaching For The Freelancer Who Wants to Flourish

You want an online business that gives you more time to…

…take a mental health day without worrying about employer backlash

…spend time with your children without sacrificing a pay cut

…own your day without an overflow of demands keeping you at your desk

Your business can bring you more time back in your life so that you can create an expansive life that lights you up.


  • Frustrated to Flourishing

  • Uninspired to Uplifted

  • Burned Out to Breakthrough

Build a business that works for you, instead of you working for it.

Grow your freelance business with fresh job opportunities every week!

Sign up for my weekly Freelance Job Roundup, where I scour the internet for unique jobs for freelancers. It goes out every Monday. It's my way of giving back to the freelance community and helping the next up-and-coming person create a life they love.

And I am the coach for overwhelmed, burned out solopreneurs,

Hi! I’m Kiri.

helping you attract high income clients using psychology & a step-by-step action plan, which you implement to make more money in less time.

I made the transition from corporate cubicle owner to 10+ years of a flourishing freelancer, where my business survived two recessions, while only working 25 hours a week or less.

I’ve helped clients build profitable freelance businesses that help them put “life” before “business”,

creating more time and less stress in their personal journey.


…freedom to take that vacation and completely unplug

…flexibility to buy what you want and not feel guilt

…financial independence to provide for those you love and feel that pride

Everyone should have the chance to start their own business.

And the choice to create a life and schedule that lights them up.

What you get by working with Kiri

Flourishing Freelancer Program

This program is for the freelance business owner in the first 5 years of their business, and who so badly wants to work with a coach, but funds are tight. With access to the Flourishing Freelancer curriculum, you will take the next steps you need in your freelancer journey (more time and less of those rotten clients that pay you pennies). The program includes weekly coaching calls and is perfect for those who need to work at their own pace, while receiving customized guidance from a coach who can meet you where you are in your journey.

Align With Your Purpose

Need more one-on-one coaching to help with your freelance business? Spend time with Kiri monthly to get your online business revamped with the right strategies and foundations to take you from throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks and moving to a place where a step-by-step action plan is created. This one year commitment with monthly personal calls will see you align with the vision you have of your business and where you need to be. Kiri looks at your top three priorities and helps you break down the challenges preventing you from reaching your goals.

Accelerate To Success

For those looking to see success quickly, this coaching engagement has you meeting with Kiri bi-weekly and completely restructuring your business to meet your goals. This plan gives you the essential tools to rework your pricing strategy, webpage, marketing and messaging, practice sales calls, and more. In a nutshell, we’ll craft a business plan that gives you time back in your week so that you can attract high income clients while aligning on your personal goals. There is no one-size-fits-all formula and Kiri personalizes this engagement to see you accelerate to success on your own (personal and business) terms.

You don’t have to stay stuck…let’s transform your business to break through into a life you enjoy and more time doing what you love.

Looking for bite-sized coaching lessons to move your freelance business forward? Listen to Freelance to Freedom podcast so that you can accelerate the growth of your business faster!

Freelancing is about having the choice of how to create the life you want.

It’s time to restructure your business so that you are choosing to create an intentional business that lasts.

It’s about choosing how you run your day, going from overwhelmed to ease.

You deserve to have that choice.

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