3x Your Income & Maximize Your Sales With These 3 Simple Hacks As A Freelancer
Are you tired of feeling stuck at a certain income level and wondering how to break through to the next tier?
If you're looking to triple your income as a freelancer without working more hours, you're in the right place.
In a world where many service-based providers are undercharging for their skills, this lesson offers hacks and tips to help you increase your pricing with the value you deliver.
The 3 tips you’ll take away from this episode are:
How to break through the glass ceiling with strategic price shifts
Learn how to psychologically convert clients on sales calls
Why my Reflection Framework qualifies clients immediately
Time to hit play to gain valuable secrets that could transform your income and your career as a freelancer!
Mentioned on the Show:
Tiffany Charles Episode - Apple, Spotify
Connect with Kiri, the host: