3x Your Income & Maximize Your Sales With These 3 Simple Hacks As A Freelancer

Are you tired of feeling stuck at a certain income level and wondering how to break through to the next tier?

If you're looking to triple your income as a freelancer without working more hours, you're in the right place.

In a world where many service-based providers are undercharging for their skills, this lesson offers hacks and tips to help you increase your pricing with the value you deliver.

The 3 tips you’ll take away from this episode are:

  • How to break through the glass ceiling with strategic price shifts

  • Learn how to psychologically convert clients on sales calls

  • Why my Reflection Framework qualifies clients immediately

Time to hit play to gain valuable secrets that could transform your income and your career as a freelancer!

Mentioned on the Show:

Tiffany Charles Episode - Apple, Spotify

Connect with Kiri, the host:


You NEED to Easily Define How You Are Unique for a Thriving Freelance Business


The Hidden Key to Mastering Win-Win Pricing Negotiations as a freelancer