What The Deck: Courtney Allen on making $2m on Upwork
Can you make over 7-figures on Upwork? Courtney Allen is proof that it’s possible. Kiri reached out to Courtney after reading about her in an interview and using Courtney as an example in her group cohorts that if you get very defined and specialized in what you do, you can beast the freelance marketplace.
This interview digs into how Courtney was able to make money in those numbers on a freelance marketplace, how to hire and manage a remote team, in order to grow to $1m and how to handle clients that may be upset with your work.
Courtney Allen is currently residing in Korea, a lover of K-Pop and has a fun and bubbly personality that comes through in the interview. She offers a unique perspective on taking a chance on oneself and addressing the world's less glamorous challenges.
Her remarkable journey of starting a business at a young age, following a layoff and debt, has evolved into a thriving seven-figure company with headquarters in two countries and a global remote team. This accomplishment stands as a significant achievement, highlighting her resilience and entrepreneurial prowess. She is a PowerPoint specialist and the CEO of 16x9 Design.
Notable moments:
02:21 – Courtney on her Upwork strategy
08:56 – The evolution of her career and overcoming debt
12:36 – Her $20 promise and commitment to giving back
15:40 – Moving to Korea
21:38 – The team of contractors and employees at 16x9
24:47 – Courtney reflects on her growth as a leader
28:51 – Going from 6 to 7 figures
36:01 – Lessons learned from losing a big contract
42:02 – On overcoming imposter syndrome
Connect with Courtney!
16x9 Design - https://www.16x9design.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/couallen/?originalSubdomain=ca
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/courtingadventure/
Upwork - https://www.upwork.com/
Asana - https://asana.com/
ClickUp - https://clickup.com/
Mentioned on the show:
Corporate2Contract Group Coaching - https://www.corporate2contract.com/group-coaching
CNBC Article - https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/13/millennial-brought-in-millions-making-powerpoints-her-career-advice-.html